Synthetic grass for the Balcony and Porches
Do you have a balcony and you want to turn it to a beautiful garden? Artificial grass for the porch is the right answer!
Call now Holly International 072-3257599 and … start enjoying!
During the recent years, synthetic grass has become an extremely popular solution for private gardens. It is used in gardens and courtyards, public spaces and institutions. Even for balconies and roofs, the grass offers an excellent solution! This furnishing turns the standard terrace to a special place vivid with nature and pleasant atmosphere. The synthetic grass is soft which makes injuries less harmful by far, the softness of the floor protects the faller, maintenance requires the minimum effort no watering is needed. And the look – cheerful green almost as green as the real grass, only with more benefits. Indeed, the excellent solution for renovating your garden or back yard, whether it is a playground for children or a garden where you dwell at to relax at your own convenience
What types of synthetic grass are there for porches, balconies?
It is very important to know that synthetic grass for the balcony is a product that appears in many versions. In stores that specialize in the field as well as in the relevant professionals you can get acquainted with various types of synthetic grass which differ from each other in their characteristics. Fiber thickness and length, mesh density, fiber color and so on. To enjoy a successful and useful result it is very important to choose the right synthetic grass for the balcony. Only in this way can a maximum result be achieved that will serve well.
This is how to install synthetic grass for the balcony
Step by step:
- Surface cleaning – Thorough cleaning that will ensure good adhesion of the surface.
- Synthetic grass layout – precise layout of the grass on the flooring.
- Cutting – Precise cutting of the squares that allows perfect fitting to the required area.
- Edges gluing – gluing with a special glue that ensures stability and immobility.
- Gluing areas – the center of the grass “carpet” to ensure its stability.
- Adjusting the parts of the lawn – Adjusting the height of the squares so that they complement and continue each other.
- Brushing the surface – to create a pleasant rug that is fun to step on (and sit on).
- Then. just sit and enjoy!
When the work is done by an experienced professional supplier, it takes very little time and allows you to enjoy a lawn for everything no matter what floor it was installed on.
Different types of grass for different balconies
It is important to note that it is impossible to compare one balcony with another. Because each balcony has its characteristics which are related to its location, air directions, roofing and shading and so on. One of the key parameters, is the sun rising above the surface, if it is an indoor terrace or one that has shade during the day, then certain lawns can be used. But if the balcony is flooded with sun most hours of the day it requires special type of grass. In many cases it is recommended to install a shading top to the balcony which will help protect the grass surface installed. It is also recommended to choose a lighter color grass that will absorb less sun ray and
The treatment of synthetic grass on the balcony
Synthetic grass for the balcony is considered a very comfortable surface also in terms of its maintanace. From time to time it is necessary to clean it, and this can be done in a variety of ways. Using a vacuum cleaner, garden broom or leaf blower. The cleaning is designed to remove dirt and dust as well as revive the appearance of the grass. Indeed, choosing synthetic grass for your house porch is a smart choice that has been numerously done successfully with many testimonials to assure the outstanding end result.
Holly International at your service
Our company imports and markets, quality and durable synthetic grass. We work with high-quality surfaces that guarantees you, your children and guests a perfect comfortable convenient leisure at your house. In addition, if you prefer not to install the grass by yourself and prefer the help of professionals, we will provide you with the most reliable and recommended professionals to be at your service.
With artificial grass of Holly International, your balcony will look and feel like you have a real garden. even if you live on the top floor!
If you wish to hear moreabout our synthetic grass for Balconies and porches? Call 072-3257599, and we will be more than pleased to be at your service and attend to your orders